About Us
Christoph Schmid, born on November 18th 1979 in Zofingen, Switzerland. After going to Primary School in Kölliken he completed a apprenticeship as a draftsman
specialised in building construction. Then he moved to Zurich to visit the GBMS, an Institution of higher Art Education. After the graduation he began to study
Interaction Design on the university of the arts in Zurich and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in June 2008.
website: http://kenda.ch
Jeremy Stucki was born on September 23rd 1982 in Richterswil,
Switzerland. After going to Primary School there he completed his
secondary education at the Stiftsschule Einsiedeln, where he received
the Federal Matura in 2001. He then moved to Zurich to study at the
SAE College and received his Multimedia Producer diploma in 2003.
Meanwhile he began to work as a freelance web designer. After
completing the Basic Course (Vorkurs) at the Zurich University of the
Arts (formerly University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Zurich) he
began to study Interaction Design and graduated with a Bachelor of
Arts degree in June 2008.
website: http://herrstucki.ch